#523 救主是我所有 /He's Everything to Me(528)
In the stars His handiwork I see,
On the wind He speaks with majesty,
Though He ruleth over land and sea,
What is that to me?
I will celebrate Nativity,
And the wonder of death for me,
Sure, He came to set His people free,
What is that to me?
Till by faith I met Him face to face,
And I felt the wonder of His grace,
Then I knew that He was more than just a
God who didn't care,
That lived a way out there
And now He walks beside me day by day,
Ever watching o'er me lest I stray'
Helping me to find that narrow way.
He is everything to me.(repeat)
群星閃耀訴說主奇工 微風吹動見證主尊榮
陸地海洋在祂掌管中 於我有何用?
耶穌被釘十架 受苦刑 因祂代死我得 新生命
祂將自由賞賜 眾罪人 於我有何用?
直到憑信得見主聖顏 領會救主奇妙大恩典
我才深知主愛廣無邊 祂時刻關懷我 並隨時加添
每日與我同行 肩並肩 常常看顧我免遭危險
行走窄路祂在我左右 祂就是我所有
直到憑信得見主聖顏 領會救主奇妙大恩典
我才深知主愛廣無邊 祂時刻關懷我 並隨時加添
每日與我同行 肩並肩 常常看顧我免遭危險
行走窄路祂在我左右 祂就是我所有.